Terms & Conditions
1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 These terms and conditions of RVI membership set out the legally binding agreement between Regency Holdings LTD and each person who applies and is accepted for membership of RVI (“Members” or “you/your”).
1.2 This agreement is a separate and distinct agreement from your timeshare/points purchase agreement with the developer, seller or reseller of property interests at an affiliated resort or timeshare points club. RVI does not accept responsibility for any representations made by a third party with regard to the RVI vacation exchange system, or any aspect of RVI membership, products and services.
1.3 The RVI vacation exchange system, products and services are designed to give variety and flexibility to your timeshare/points ownership, and are separate products and services from your timeshare ownership/ points club products and services.
1.4 These Terms and Conditions are applicable to you, your companions, your guests (“Guests”) and everyone travelling with your Guests, who utilize the benefits of any and/or all programmes, products and services offered by RVI to it’s Members. Programmes, products and services that may be offered through RVI by third parties may be subject to separate terms and conditions.
1.5 It is in our interest and yours that you should understand these Terms and Conditions. We have tried to write them in plain language. If there is anything in these Terms and Conditions that you do not understand, please bring it to our attention and we will endeavour to clarify these for you.
To view the complete terms and conditions click here